Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tina Fey is Feybulous

Tina Fey was fantastic on the Howard Stern show this morning discussing former Saturday Night Live hosts. Tina said the hosts are usually great, but every couple of years you get a bad one - like Paris Hilton who was a "piece of shit"!

Tina didn't hold back on how much she and the cast hated Paris. We transcribed some of her hilarious comments...

She said Paris had "the hair of a fraggle", and left "nasty wads of Barbie hair on the floor" from her "cheap weave"!

Tina caught Paris's giant man hands and said they were as long as her forearm.

More zingers below!...

Paris actually takes herself seriously and "embraces her stupidity".

She asked them to write a skit so she could play Jessica Simpson "because I hate her" "she's fat".

Paris was so uninterested in anyone else the staff had a bet to see if she would ask anyone something personal (like "how are you").

She did at one point ask someone "is Maya Rudolph Italian?" (she's half Black, half Jewish)

Paris is not OK...and snaps for the weave comment tina..only a diva would have thought of that one.


source: Cityrag


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